69 Literature

Headlines, Deadlines and Phone Lines Product Link
United States, c. 1980s
13 x 18 in (33 x 46 cm)

Supplement to Frank Leslie's Illustrated Newspaper Product Link
USA, c. 1863
23 x 33 in (58 x 84 cm)

Frank Leslie's 'Bombardment of Fredericksburg, VA' Product Link
U.S.A., 1862
16 x 22 in (41 x 56 cm)

Harper's Weekly 'Battle of the Monitor and the Merrimac' Illustrations Product Link
U.S.A., 1862
16 x 22 in (41 x 56 cm)

Harper's Weekly 'Grand Reception at the White House' Product Link
U.S.A., 1862
16 x 22 in (41 x 56 cm)

Harper's Weekly 'Review of the Seventh Regiment' Product Link
U.S.A., 1898
16 x 22 in (41 x 56 cm)

Frank Leslie's 'Battle at Wilson's Creek' Illustration Product Link
U.S.A., 1861